06/28/2019 01:00 PM | by Jacki Billings The Ukoala Yukon brings a functional off-body solution to day hikers and urbanites in need of a concealed carry holster setup. (Photo: Jacki Billings/Guns.com) For adventurers who don’t want to trek miles into the woods but enjoy smaller, minimalist-style day trips into the wilderness, carrying a gun can sometimes prove challenging as day hikers often must turn to alternatives in order to successful pack a gun....

We Love It: Ukoala Bag FROM NRA WOMEN
by ANN Y. SMITH, EDITOR IN CHIEF posted on April 13, 2020 https://www.nrawomen.com/content/we-love-it-ukoala-bag/ NEWS, LIFESTYLE, REVIEWS, CONCEALED CARRY, GEAR This column is called “We Love It,” but in the case of the Ukoala Bag, it should be renamed “Obsessed With It.” Now operating under the Urban Utility Bags (UUB Inc) brand, the Ukoala bag came to my attention about a year ago when the company was doing business simply as Ukoala Bag, Inc. In the short...

Please Support The Authentic Ukoala Bag By Mayan and UUB,LLC
I am here to call for your support--Please continue support the authentic Ukoala Bag Designed and Produced ONLY by Urban Utilty Bags. With civil engineer and interior design back ground, my design focuses on both aesthetics and functionality. I always believe there is a bridge between art and reality. That is what makes me continue improving my design to be useful and unique—to make your life easier. At same time...

JPFreek Adventure Magazine Review
Jeep magazine has reviewed our product twice! First review: http://currentissue.jpfreek.com/publication/?i=235486&p=30 Second review: We liked it so much we included it in our Holiday Gift Guide as well. Click on the photo on the right to go to our slideshow for the gift guide: http://currentissue.jpfreek.com/publication/?i=235486&p=134 The issue has done fantastically well thus far and we’ve received a lot of great feedback on both usability and content. –°|||||||°–Eric WaltonEditor-in-Chief & General ManagerJPFreek Adventure Magazine